What is Mobile computing? You might have familiar with the term Mobile computing. Mobile Computing is understood as the technology used with Smartphone. Mobile Computing Tutorial Mobile computing is a generic term that refers to a variety of devices that allow people to access data and information while they are moving. In other words we […]
Storing and Retrieving Data Using Shared Preferences
Storing and Retrieving Data Using Shared Preferences | in this tutorial, we will learn how to store and retrieve data using Shared Preferences in android. The primary purpose of using Shared Preferences in android is to store user specific details, such as user specific settings (eg: – username), when a user logged into the application. […]
How to see the data stored in sqlite in android studio
Do you know how to create database connection using SQLite in android studio ? Once you create a android app using SQLite database , most of us facing the problem is how to track our data in SQLite database that we have already created. The tutorial on how to see the data stored in sqlite […]
Android Style Demo Example
Styles on Android allows you to separate your app design from the UI structure and behavior, similar to style sheets or CSS usage in web design. That is we can separate the design of our app from the structure of the app. Android Style A style is a collection of attributes that is used to […]
Android TableLayout Tutorial
Android TableLayout is used to arrange groups of views into rows and columns which is same as Table tag in HTML. In otherwords we can say that TableLayout is a ViewGroup that displays child View elements in rows and columns. TableLayout structure is as shown below. Android TableLayout A layout that arranges its children into […]
Mobile Computing Tutorial
What is mobile computing ? Mobile Computing is an umbrella term used to describe technologies that enable people to access network services anyplace, anytime, and anywhere. Mobile computing is the set of technologies, services and procedures that enable the end user to gain access to the resources or information while on move. This is a […]
Android Service Life Cycle Tutorial
Android Service Android Service is an application component that is used to perform long-running operations such a playing music in the background, handle network transactions etc all from the background. Android Service does not provide a user interface. Android Service runs indefinitely in the background unless they explicitly stopped or destroyed. Android application component can […]
Android Layouts Tutorial
Android layouts defines the structure for a user interface in your android app screen. All user elements are aligned in the screen using different layout provided by the android. View is the base class for widgets, which are used to create user interactive user interface (UI) components like buttons, EditText, TextView etc. The ViewGroup (subclass […]